The Quintessential British Garden Party

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Did you know that, on average, we brits spend more than a quarter of the year in the garden? Okay, it may be necessary to substitute “garden” with yard, balcony, window sill, or even local park, but still. We are bold. We love entertaining outside and we love gambling on the weather. Nevertheless, what’s the harm in being prepared? Here we give you a few tips for making the most of a heatwave, and a garden in London!


Pimms and British Summer Time are life-long pals and it is practically social suicide to omit the quintessential punch, but if you’re looking for something new try replacing the lemonade with ginger ale or pomegranate juice. 

At Beautiful Allotment, we're been happily imbibing many many St-Germain Spritz's which is arguably the best and easiest cocktail to concoct on mass. 40ml of St-Germain Elderflower Liqueur in a wine glass or highball, fill with ice and top with 40ml sparkling wine and topped with a healthy splash of soda. Garnish: lemon twist. 


It’s hard to go wrong with a barbecue, and it provides a welcome distraction/occupation for the more hands-on members of the party. Do the hard work the night before with fresh and tasty marinades and wow your guests with 24 hour ribs or a beer butt roast chicken. All that remains is some simple and tasty salads: classic potato and homemade coleslaw are always welcome additions.


It’s your party and you’ll play what you want to. Make sure you’ve already put together your playlist and then make the ipod/laptop/getto blaster as inaccessible as possible, to prevent Hugo’s girlfriend who’s actually a DJ from spinning some mad tracks.

Bring and Share

Realistically, you can depend on all guests to supply alcohol, something about the sunshine makes us all go slightly insane at the supermarket as we get caught up in our enthusiasm for cider, beer, prosecco and rose.

Do not, under any circumstances, ask your guests to bring food. At best you will find yourself swimming in sweaty mess of Sainsburys potato salad; at worst you are giving an open invitation to those members of the Healthy Eating Brigade to smother your guests in quinoa and algae salads, beetroot powder, lean turkey burgers and the whole shelf of Quorn products.  On your head be it.


Lawn games make excellent entertainment, with croquet being a particular crowd pleaser – especially because nobody seems to know the rules. A good idea is to set out the simplest instructions which your guests can then feel free to ignore.

Summer Chills

Despite our brave perseverance, the fact is that we don’t live on the Cote D’Azure, and even the warmest summer’s day will inevitably end in evening chills. The best hosts provide plenty of blankets, and for bonus points, everyone loves sitting round a fire.

Check the weather forecast

While this is largely unreliable, (some might say a world-wide conspiracy) a decent forecast in the week leading up will usually encourage more guests to commit.

Wet Weather Contingency

If there’s one thing better than a hot summer’s day, it’s an excuse to complain about the appalling weather. Don’t deny your guests that wonderful pastime.


Megan Burroughs